My name is Philippa Grace and I am an Educational Psychologist.
Educational Psychologists are interested in how people think, learn, feel and behave.
Sometimes there are things going in our lives (or sometimes in heads) which worry us, and which cause a great deal of unhappiness. Sometimes there might be particular things which we find difficult, or would like to overcome. Some of the people I work with find communicating with people very difficult, for others it might be learning in school or college which is hard. EPs are supposed to help find ways of making sure that people are able to learn, develop and live as happily and as healthily as possible.
In some of the places I have worked children and young people used to ask to come and see me, when they had things which were worrying them, or that they wanted to talk about. Sometimes this was because learning or communicating with people was tough, or because of something that had happened to them, or that they were worrying about.