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Thank you Philippa.
We can’t even begin to say how appreciative we are of all the work you’ve put into this- you have great insight and the report is exceptionally good and comprehensive.
Thank you, thank you!
With much appreciation,

Parents of 21 year old woman with profound and multiple learning needs

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the fantastic report I think you have captured XXX  extremely well and describe his issues and strengths perfectly. It has been such a long time since someone has recognised his hidden talents. It is encouraging to read the report.

Mother of a 20 year old with ASC and severe learning difficulties

Thank you for you compassionate and outstanding help in this matter. You have made a very appreciated and valued contribution to all of us.

Grandfather of a 13 year old with severe anxiety and school phobia.

Thank you Philippa that’s a very comprehensive and insightful overview of H. It made a lot of sense of a very complex and often bewildering set of professional reports and opinions. Thank you

Mother of a 6 year old girl with a rare congenital disorder

I hear you are moving on (properly this time) and wanted to say that your dedication to pursuing this project has been amazing. I’m not sure it would have got off the ground without you providing the rallying cry and providing the forum for interested individuals to come together. You have maintained coherence when so many things are being split apart. 

Head teacher comment on my role in founding the Mental Health Matters in Bradford Schools initiative